Installation Ceremony
Events Alyssa Joel Events Alyssa Joel

Installation Ceremony

On February 7, 2025, Pacific Theological Seminary hosted an Installation Ceremony for President, Dr. Sharon Tan, and Academic Dean, Dr. Mariel Deluca Voth. We were pleased to welcome so many new and old faces to the seminary for this very special ceremony. You can watch the recorded ceremony at the link below with this password: Bg4$s0m$

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Upcoming Chaplaincy Event
Events Andy Johnson Events Andy Johnson

Upcoming Chaplaincy Event

Pacific Seminary will be hosting a 13-hour chaplaincy training event on September 28th-30th. Dr. Mickey Stonier, professor of chaplaincy at Pacific Seminary and pastor at Rock Church, will be teaching crisis intervention and will equip you with the tools and skills you need to effectively minister compassionately to those expressing stress, trauma and grief as either a lay leader or church leader.

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Book Launch Event: Why Bad Looks God
Events Andy Johnson Events Andy Johnson

Book Launch Event: Why Bad Looks God

Wendy Patrick's new book, Why Bad Looks Good, tackles one of the biggest challenges encountered by people from all walks of life: the lure of the world. It discusses the emotional and psychological reasons behind the attraction to harmful people, opportunities, and circumstances- and how to avoid disaster in every category by turning our attention from the world to the Word. Using practical illustrations and examples, this engaging book will demonstrate how biblical wisdom will illuminate the right path in every circumstance and how Christians can use this knowledge to enhance their personal maturity and ministry.

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